Monday, September 17, 2007

Suburban Barbarian Princess Jennifer, 2007, graphite with digital color.

The surroundings I imagine for SBPJ are spare, but planes of blue are, perhaps, too spare. Someday you'll get a real background, SBPJ.


  1. Splendid. More!, more!...situations!, word balloons! Bravo!

  2. She is FANTASTIC. Great design. Funny collaboration between you and Brian as well.

  3. Whoohoo....return of the Uloo blog!!Thanks for the invite, Jon.

    This is gorgeous. Very appealing shapes.

  4. I'd read/watch this everyday, what are your plans for her?

  5. Paul Conrad: Thanks for the applause, Paul! I do LOVE comics but creating them continually intimidates me. I know I have to generate pages and pages of CRAP before I generate anything good and, honestly, that's hard for me to accept.

    Monkeyfeather: Thanks, John. Glad you like.

    SteveLambe: Steve, thanks for the compliment! Hope marriage, job, and other aspects of your life are appropriately delightful. Thanks for visiting.

    AtomicTerrier: Josh! Nice to think there's an audience for such stuff. No plans for SBPJ ... just crazy ideas and silly notions.

    Thanks for dropping by my weblog!

  6. Gorgeous drawing! And I love the decorative way you coloured her sword.

    You said - "I know I have to generate pages and pages of CRAP before I generate anything good and, honestly, that's hard for me to accept."

    Honestly, your "crap" is a gajillion times better than most comics "good stuff". Seriously. Just draw the damn comic already! :)

    Your stuff is too good not to share.


  7. "Honestly, your "crap" is a gajillion times better than most comics "good stuff". Seriously. Just draw the damn comic already! :)

    Your stuff is too good not to share. "

    Amen Brother!

  8. J: Your words are very, very nice. I greatly appreciate them. Obviously, I am too easily discouraged, an attribute I work to erase (or at least to diminish). I'll complete and share some panels (even if the quality's cringeworthy).

    Paul: Thanks, fellah.
