Thursday, September 27, 2007

Timberlee Stump, 2007, digital photograph.

Portland isn't the only place to call itself Stumptown but I wouldn't be surprised if we use most frequently use the nickname.

In any case, the Stumptown Comics Fest is this weekend! I like the size (modest) and mood (mellow) of the SCF. It's a good fit for our stumpy, bridgey town.

Looks like a fine set of exhibitors this year. Heck, the appearance of either Mike Allred or Peter Bagge alone'd be worth the price of admission (five bucks).


  1. ... sigh ....
    I wish I could go.
    Sounds fun.

  2. Hey, I wish you could visit, too, JV!

    I enjoyed myself this year at Stumptown Comics Fest. The after-party / awards ceremony / comic art battle at Cosmic Monkey was terrific.

    Volunteering was definitely the way to go for me. Last year, touring the tables didn't take me long but after I'd finished I still had desire to linger. However, just standing around wasn't much fun.

    Sure, volunteering involved much standing around, too, but that was my job and there were several other folks doing the same thing!
